Technical Name: Thiamethoxam 25% WG.
Mode of Action: Systemic, contact & stomach in action. Features: HETHOAXM 25 is a unique systemic insecticide that has quick stomach and contact activity. It is highly effective at low-use rates against a broad spectrum of sucking, soil and leaf-dwelling pests. HETHOAXM 25 is highly systemic and well suited for application as a foliar spray, drench or drip irrigation HETHOAXM 25 is characterized by its rapid uptake and is fast acting regardless of dry or wet conditions ensuring high-performance levels. It helps in controlling stem borer, gall midge, leaf folder, brown plant hopper, white blacked hopper (WBPH), Green Leaf hopper (GLH), Thrips etc. in rice. Being a systemic insecticide should be applied at a recommended dose at initial stage of infestation.
AVAILABLE PACK SIZES: 5g, 100g, 250g, 500g & 1kg.
Recommendation for use: Target Pests Gall Midge, Leaf folder BPH, Thrips Stem borer, Leaf hopper. 40g Dose/Acre