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Technical Name: Glyphosate 41 % SL.

Mode of Action: Non Selective Systemic Herbicide.

Features: GLYHEL is a non selective systemic herbicide, absorbed by the foiliage, GLYHEL rapids translocation throughout the plant. GLYHEL is used i different stage as a pre-harvest, pre emergence, post emergence and pre plant incorporation . GLYHEL effectively controls annual, biennial, perennial grasses, sedges, broad-leaf weeds and wood shrubs. GLYHEL ensures complete kill of weeds thereby preventing regeneration of weeds.

AVAILABLE PACK SIZES: 500ml, 1ltr. & 5Ltr.

Recommendation for use: Arundinella benghalensis,Axonopus camressus, Cynodon dactylon Imperata cylindrical, Paspalum scrobiculatum, Polgonum perfoliatum 800-1200ml./Acre

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