CoronTM Urea
Total Nitrogen (Urea, Ammoniacal & Nitrate)
% by wt. min. 32.00
Urea nitrogen % by wt. min. 16.50
Ammoniacal N% by wt. min. 7.50
Nitrate nitrogen % by wt. min. 7.50
specific gravity (at 15°C) 125-130
Description: CoronTM Urea is a solution of urea and ammonium nitrate in water used as a fertilizer. The combination of urea and ammonium nitrate has an extremely low critical relative humidity (18% at 30°C) and can therefore only be used in liquid fertilizers. The most commonly used grade of these fertilizers solutions is CoronTM Urea.
1. This is a special product required for plant growth and keeping plants in healthy form.
2. This is in purest form and easily absorbed by the plant leaves with less doses.
3. Helping plants to grow in a healthy manner and producing good quality grains a high yields.
4. Safe for all types of soil, plants, ecology.
5. Less application and more benefit to the storage house for the plant as it allows nutrition to plants for a longer duration.
Doses & application/acre basis:
Foliar spray-2-2.5 ml/lt water as spray depending on crop growth stages or 30-40 ml/15 It of water or 500ml/acre as soil application.