Technical Name: Fipronil 0.3 GR.
Mode of Action: Primarily acts as an ingestion toxicant with some complimentary contact action and acts by interfering in nerve impulse transmission. It interferes with the passage of chloride ions through the Gamma Amino Butyric Acid (GABA) regulated chloride channel, thereby disrupting CNS activity and at sufficient doses, causing insect death. Features of: A major strength of the molecule is its applications and formulation flexibility. The granular formulation can be easily broadcasted on the standing crop. Fipronil has both contact and ingestion activity but is particularly effective by way of ingestion. An intermediate response, such as cessation of feeding, may be noted soon after treatment. The site of action of Fipronil sets it apart from most commercial insecticides. a new generation insecticide belonging to new family of Phenyl Pyrazole.
Recommendation for use: Stem Borer, Brown Plant Hopper Leaf Folder, Whorl Maggot, Green Leaf Hopper, White Backed Plant Hopper, Gall midge 6-10 kg. per Acre Early Shoot Borer, Root Borer 10-13 kg. per